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Cranberry Lake Byram Township New Jersey

Frenche’s Grove Amusement Park 1902 to 1910



The Delaware, Western and Lackawanna Railroad Company built an amusement park, picnic grove, dance pavilion, and boat rental concession on a point of land called Frenche’s Grove. The footbridge provided the train passengers and the hotel patrons the necessary link between the depot and hotel and the recreational park. This combination of transportation, lodging, and entertainment brought many visitors to the area, sometimes as many as a thousand a weekend, and the hotel and the recreational park prospered for several years.


Original painting by Carol Barry, local Cranberry Lake artist.

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Scenes in painting starting from top left depict the Delaware, Lackawanna Railroad, Cranberry Lake hotel, Dance Pavilion, Boat Excursion trips, Refreshment Stand, Miniature Railroad Train Rides and the 1st Cranberry Lake Footbridge.  these images were reproduced from archived photos.

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